Sadly saying goodbye! Check Instagram for current Coupon Codes! Closing date is TBD
Sadly saying goodbye! Check Instagram for current Coupon Codes! Closing date is TBD
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Message From The Maker

Hey there!

I'm Ashley!  Wife and mama bear to five little Piercelings.  I started this tiny business in 2014, and couldn't have imagined that it would grow into what it is today.  I love that I've been able to run a business that allows me to stay home, home-school, and gives me the artistic outlet that I crave.  Motherhood is my passion and where I get most of my inspiration for my work.  My hope is that my art can encourage and make women feel beautiful at the same time... because you are!!  

I love my customers and I'm just so grateful for your continued support of this small shop. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

-Ashley Pierce